The Single Worst Mistake the Right Made When COVID Began | Candace Owens

Published: Nov. 19, 2021, 4:19 p.m.

b'Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Candace Owens about why she started growing her own food, why the Right should have\\xa0lockdown regret,\\xa0and how the\\xa0politics of fear\\xa0are being used against you. Candace talks about how the government has used the fear of COVID to launch a massive assault on our freedoms and civil liberties. She also explains how conservatives made a mistake to allow\\xa0lockdowns\\xa0at the beginning of the pandemic and why they bear the responsibility for the freedom we\\u2019ve lost. Candace also talks about running for political office and what the key differences between liberals like\\xa0Ana Kasparian\\xa0and\\xa0Russell Brand\\xa0are.\\xa0Finally, she gives her thoughts on what the next attempt to seize our freedoms might look like.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'