The Inspiring Freedom Convoy Footage News Media Refuses to Show You | DIRECT MESSAGE

Published: Feb. 3, 2022, 6:02 p.m.

b'Dave Rubin of \\u201cThe Rubin Report\\u201d talks about why the\\xa0freedom convoy\\xa0is working, the scandal caused by a\\xa0maskless\\xa0Magic Johnson,\\xa0Tucker Carlson\\xa0getting more Democrat viewers, and\\xa0Morgan Freeman\\xa0insulting\\xa0Black History Month.\\xa0First, clips of the\\xa0freedom convoy protest\\xa0that you won\\u2019t see on CNN. The premier of Alberta issued a statement that proves the protests are working. Next,\\xa0Gavin Newsom\\xa0and\\xa0Eric Garcetti\\xa0were caught breaking their own mask mandates with\\xa0Magic Johnson. Yesterday, while\\xa0Jeff Zucker\\xa0was resigning as the\\xa0CEO\\xa0of CNN, a new poll showed that\\xa0Tucker Carlson\\xa0has more Democratic viewers than CNN. Finally, a clip of\\xa0Morgan Freeman\\xa0talking to\\xa0Mike Wallace\\xa0on "60 Minutes"\\xa0about why he thinks\\xa0Black History Month\\xa0is ridiculous.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'