Strange Terrorism Definitions & Cartoon Network's Woke Propaganda | DIRECT MESSAGE

Published: Feb. 23, 2021, 11 p.m.

b'Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks about\\xa0Dr. Fauci\\xa0saying\\xa0indoor dining is not OK\\xa0even if you\\u2019ve had the\\xa0COVID vaccine,\\xa0Merrick Garland\\u2019s interesting definition of\\xa0domestic terrorism,\\xa0Democrats putting pressure on cable companies to limit the reach of\\xa0Fox news\\xa0for spreading \\u201cmisinformation,\\u201d and the\\xa0Cartoon Network\\xa0wants to indoctrinate your child into the woke ideology of anti-racism! First Dave discusses the testimony of attorney general\\xa0nominee\\xa0Merrick Garland,\\xa0who was asked how he would label Antifa\\u2019s attacks on Portland\\u2019s federal courthouse and whether it qualified as\\xa0domestic terror. Dave also shares the\\xa0Cartoon Network\\u2019s Crystal Gems\\xa0woke message for your children: Make assumptions based on people\\u2019s race!\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'