Prominent New Atheist Wakes Up to His Main Error | Frank Turek | SPIRITUALITY | Rubin Report

Published: July 2, 2023, 1:15 p.m.

b"Dave Rubin of \\u201cThe Rubin Report\\u201d talks to\\xa0Frank Turek\\xa0author of \\u201cI\\xa0Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist\\u201d about the collapse of the\\xa0New Atheist\\xa0movement;\\xa0Richard Dawkins\\xa0admitting that religion may be necessary for a flourishing society; the failure of\\xa0atheism\\xa0in providing a sense of purpose and meaning; what prominent\\xa0atheists\\xa0like\\xa0Christopher Hitchens\\xa0and\\xa0Sam Harris\\xa0overlooked; how only religions like\\xa0Christianity\\xa0and Judaism can protect a society from the worst elements of\\xa0radical Islam;\\xa0the spreading of\\xa0social justice\\xa0and woke culture in America\\u2019s churches; the case for\\xa0intelligent design\\xa0as a part of the story of\\xa0evolution;\\xa0how morality always ends up being legislated;\\xa0Jordan Peterson\\u2019s\\xa0utilitarian view of religion; and much more.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"