Is Bill Maher Preparing to Leave the Left over This One Issue? | DIRECT MESSAGE

Published: Jan. 24, 2022, 5:33 p.m.

b'Dave Rubin of \\u201cThe Rubin Report\\u201d talks about\\xa0Bill Maher\\xa0waking up,\\xa0a new\\xa0immigration policy\\xa0announcement, CNN saying that Biden is doing just fine, and a clip of\\xa0Biden\\xa0being asked about his\\xa0cognitive decline.\\xa0First,\\xa0Bill Maher\\xa0and guest\\xa0Bari Weiss\\xa0discussed the harm caused by\\xa0COVID restrictions\\xa0and how there has been little benefit from the policies of lockdowns and mask mandates.\\xa0Is he finally waking up? Next, a clip of\\xa0Alejandro Mayorkas\\xa0stating that being in the U.S. illegally will no longer be enough to be targeted by authorities.\\xa0Meanwhile, a CNN guest told viewers that most of the bad things about Biden are just made up by Fox News. Finally, Joe Biden gives his answer for why people think he is experiencing cognitive decline.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'