How to Protect Yourself from Toxic Beliefs & Tech | Eckhart Tolle Interview

Published: Aug. 8, 2021, 1:45 p.m.

b'Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to author Eckhart Tolle about the rise of\\xa0toxic beliefs,\\xa0what we can all learn from\\xa0Ben Shapiro\\u2019s talk with\\xa0Russell Brand,\\xa0and how\\xa0social media\\xa0is filling our head with\\xa0negative beliefs.\\xa0First, Eckhart shares his observation that many people are living in a\\xa0distorted reality\\xa0filled with\\xa0toxic ideologies.\\xa0He warns that if we do not develop more\\xa0self-awareness\\xa0we may end up on a path to disaster. Eckhart shares why he thinks\\xa0Ben Shapiro\\u2019s appearance on\\xa0Russell Brand\\u2019s podcast is so important and why we need to be able to hear\\xa0differing viewpoints. Finally, Eckhart discusses how smartphones are creating a problem of\\xa0excessive thinking\\xa0and damaging children\\u2019s ability to solve problems.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'