How I Went from Welfare Dependent to Business Owner | Lauren Boebert Interview

Published: Oct. 24, 2021, 2:36 p.m.

b'Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Rep. Lauren Boebert about how she stopped being a\\xa0welfare dependent, why she created an\\xa0open carry restaurant,\\xa0and how the media lied to connect her to the\\xa0January 6\\xa0Capitol riot.\\xa0First, Lauren discusses how the\\xa0California exodus\\xa0is affecting rural areas in red states like Colorado. Next, Lauren discusses what led her to start her own restaurant and why the waitresses there are all armed. Finally, Lauren discusses how more\\xa0fake news\\xa0is being exposed with the latest being\\xa0Joe Rogan\\u2019s\\xa0viral interrogation of\\xa0Sanjay Gupta.\\xa0She also explains how she was the target of a\\xa0mainstream media\\xa0smear campaign, with the media making false claims that she was doing reconnaissance for the\\xa0Capitol attack.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'