BREAKING: Leaked Supreme Court Decision Changes Literally Everything | Direct Message

Published: May 3, 2022, 4:43 p.m.

b"Dave Rubin of \\u201cThe Rubin Report\\u201d talks about the possible overturning of\\xa0Roe v. Wade, Jen Psaki\\xa0being unaware that Biden\\u2019s\\xa0student loan forgiveness\\xa0program might make\\xa0inflation\\xa0worse,\\xa0Bill Maher\\xa0wondering if the Democrats want a\\xa0recession,\\xa0and a dire\\xa0economic forecast\\xa0from a former\\xa0Federal Reserve official.\\xa0First, Dave discusses the leak of\\xa0Samuel Alito\\u2019s\\xa0draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which has the potential to change the course of the midterm elections and much more. Next, Jen Psaki seems stumped when asked if the\\xa0student loan\\xa0forgiveness plan would make inflation worse. Finally, former\\xa0Federal Reserve vice chairman Roger Ferguson\\xa0Jr.\\u2019s\\xa0recession fears\\xa0are hitting an all-time high, as he now thinks a recession is imminent.\\nToday\\u2019s Sponsors:\\nBullionMax - Don't let inflation destroy your wealth. BullionMax is a direct to consumer precious metals retailer who can help you diversify into gold and silver.\\nRubin Report viewers will get BullionMax\\u2019s Silver Starter Kit at EMPLOYEE PRICING!\\nGo to:\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"