Big Tech Censorship Backfires & Dems' War on Small Business | DIRECT MESSAGE

Published: Feb. 22, 2021, 9:25 p.m.

b'Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks about how the\\xa0Big Tech\\xa0ban on Donald Trump is beginning to backfire in other countries,\\xa0Dr. Fauci\\u2019s prediction for a return to normalcy, and Rep.\\xa0Ro Khanna\\u2019s\\xa0shocking admission that he doesn\\u2019t care if raising the\\xa0minimum wage\\xa0is bad for small business. Dave first discusses how\\xa0Poland\\xa0is creating legislation that will forbid Big Tech companies from engaging in\\xa0censorship\\xa0of conservatives. Next, despite the\\xa0coronavirus vaccine\\xa0rollout,\\xa0Anthony Fauci\\xa0now predicts normalcy might not return till 2022. Finally,\\xa0Rep. Ro Khanna,\\xa0who is promoting a $15 minimum wage,\\xa0seems unconcerned about the negative impact on small businesses. In a CNN interview, he outright says that we shouldn\\u2019t want low-wage businesses.\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'