Biden's Bizarre Prediction & Media's Love of Cuomo Backfires | DIRECT MESSAGE

Published: March 3, 2021, 9:27 p.m.

b'Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks about stories from his Los Angeles\\xa0meet-up, Joe Biden\\u2019s answer to the question \\u201cWhen will life return to normal?\\u201d,\\xa0and NY Democrats stripping\\xa0Andrew Cuomo\\xa0of his\\xa0emergency powers.\\xa0First Dave shares stories from his meet-up of Rubin Report fans in L.A. Despite the\\xa0vaccine\\xa0rollout, Joe Biden hopes that we will return to normal in one more year. Meanwhile a pundit on\\xa0CNN\\xa0suggests that maybe\\xa0masks\\xa0could be used to fight the\\xa0seasonal flu.\\xa0Finally the downfall of\\xa0Governor Cuomo\\xa0has been swift. The\\xa0nursing home\\xa0scandal and\\xa0cover-up\\xa0started it, but harassment accusations by three women are finishing him off. Democrats reached a deal to strip\\xa0Gov. Cuomo\\xa0of his\\xa0emergency powers\\xa0as calls for his resignation grow louder.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'