How To Free Your Mind - Michael Singer

Published: July 12, 2023, 8:45 p.m.

b'Join us for an enlightening episode as we welcome Michael A. Singer, acclaimed author of the highly influential book "The Untethered Soul," which reached the coveted #1 spot on the New York Times bestseller list. Not only did Singer achieve remarkable success with "The Untethered Soul," but his subsequent works, "The Surrender Experiment" and "Living Untethered," also became New York Times bestsellers, captivating readers worldwide.\\nSource: \\u2060Sound True Podcast\\u2060\\nTake action and strengthen your mind with\\xa0The Resilient Mind Journal. Get your free digital copy today:\\xa0\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060Download Now\\u2060\\u2060'