Rattling the Bars: New York prisons ban care packages containing food

Published: July 4, 2022, 5:46 p.m.

b'The prison-industrial complex has many ways of turning the incarceration of human beings into a profitable business model. In New York state, new regulations targeting care packages for prisoners show this logic at work. Friends and families of incarcerated people can no longer send packages containing food to those inside, and are now limited to sending two \\u201cnon-food packages\\u201d a year, purchased from pre-approved, third-party vendors. In this episode of \\ufeffRattling the Bars\\ufeff, Mansa Musa interviews writer Molly Hagan about this draconian new policy and her recent report for The Appeal, \\u201cNew York\\u2019s Prison Package Ban Places New Burdens on the Incarcerated.\\u201d

Molly Hagan is a writer based in New York City, who has taught creative writing at the Women\\u2019s Prison Association.

Read the transcript of this podcast: https://therealnews.com/new-york-prisons-ban-care-packages-containing-food

Pre-Production/Studio/Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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