'Our people cannot afford for us to fail': The Palestinian Youth Movement speaks

Published: Nov. 30, 2023, 3:15 p.m.

b'Israel\'s war on Gaza has ignited a firestorm of international condemnation. In the midst of this outrage, organizations like the Palestinian Youth Movement have spearheaded a global mass movement to fight Israel\'s genocide and to stand in solidarity with Palestine. With the temporary truce in Gaza likely ending, this mass movement faces a critical juncture. Yara Shoufani of the Palestinian Youth Movement speaks with The Real News about the tasks of the Western left in this moment, the opportunity to revive anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism as core pillars of the left, and the central role of Palestinian struggle in "sharpening the contradictions" of a status quo that may be breaking apart before our eyes.

Yara Shoufani is a member of the Palestinian Youth Movement and a PhD student at York University.

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Read a transcript of this podcast here.

Studio Production: Adam Coley
Post-Production: David Hebden

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