Millennial Multifamily Investors with Jeff and Taylor Adams

Published: April 6, 2020, 3 p.m.


Jeff is a software engineer with a background in computer science. His analytic perspective lends itself well to the world of real estate investing. Taylor is a realtor at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Chelmsford, a lifestyle & business entrepreneur, and co-founder of @womensinvestmentnetwork.

Together, Jeff and Taylor founded JT Adams, LLC and have scaled their real estate portfolio through multifamily investments. Taylor has always been passionate about real estate. She worked for a large real estate firm, then after graduation started investing in real estate, and now works as an agent to help other people find their dream homes.


  1. House hacking a duplex
  2. Investing out of state and scaling to multifamily properties
  3. Maximizing rents with short term rentals
  4. Time freedom - living the lifestyle you want
  5. The importance of networking to your success


1. What was your biggest hurdle getting started in real estate investing, and how did you overcome it?

  • The mentality of buying your first property. Jeff and Taylor overcame the fear by doing research and making sure the numbers were right.

2. Do you have a personal habit that contributes to your success?

  • Inspired by The Miracle Morning, Jeff\'s personal habit is getting a start to his day by getting up early, working out, and journaling.
  • Taylor says she is excessively organized, relies on a to-do-list, and structures her day with time blocking.

3. Do you have an online resource that you find valuable?

 4. What book would you recommend to the listeners and why?

  • 7L: The Seven Levels of Communication book by Michael J. Maher
  • Never Split The Difference
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