Adapting to Change Friday Fundamentals

Published: May 17, 2020, 3 p.m.


Life, as we know it lately, has been completely turned upside down for most of us, in at least some aspect. The way we travel, live, work, and even shop for groceries and other supplies has changed. If we stop and think about it though, the only thing that makes these changes seem like changes is the rate at which they\\u2019ve happened. Throughout our lives, things have changed drastically. 10 years ago, I didn\\u2019t have an iPhone much less was I requesting with my phone a stranger to track my location via GPS and come pick me up to take me to the airport - what we today call ridesharing. Our world has evolved and changed in many ways in the past just 10 or 20 years. The changes that technology, consumer behavior, and psychology have driven are astounding.

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher said, \\u201cChange is the only constant in life.\\u201d.

It\\u2019s how well we adapt to these changes that determine our success. In today\\u2019s information age, you are either learning and growing, or dying. I know which I want to pick. So what are you doing during these times of rapid change to keep up with an ever-changing world?

Let\\u2019s look at a few key things you can do to continue to change and grow

Mindset - the most impactful thing I think you can do is to start with your mindset. Jim Kwik has become a go-to resource for many people looking to understand how their own mind works. In his book, Limitless, Jim dispels the myths that many people have around their own mindsets. We all have limiting beliefs. Addressing your limiting beliefs can be like cutting the ball and chain that has been weighing you down. Just as powerful as our minds can be at reminding ourselves of our limiting beliefs, it too can be tricked into turning these limiting beliefs into empowering ones. Jim outlines 3 keys to reframing your own limiting beliefs.

  1. Name your limiting belief \\u2013 this is the process of identifying your limiting belief and labeling it.
  2. Get to the facts \\u2013 when thinking about your limiting belief, look to the facts that support the belief, Jim says. Chances are, you won\\u2019t find many facts. Instead, that limiting belief is just that \\u2013 a belief, not a fact.
  3. Create a new belief \\u2013 With your newly identified limiting belief dispelled due to the lack of facts supporting it, you can create a new belief. 

Constant improvement with daily habits. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and Atomic Habits by James Clear are two great books on the topic of habits. If you do what you\\u2019ve always done, you\\u2019ll get what you\\u2019ve always got. If you want to change your life, change your habits. These words have been said in various ways by many great minds, and they ring true. If you want to become someone much different than you are now, then you can start now by forming just one little new habit. With an empowering mindset, you can build habits that shape your actions and in return will determine your future.  

\\u201cContinuous effort\\u2014not strength or intelligence\\u2014is the key to unlocking our potential.\\u201d \\u2013 John Soforic, The Wealthy Gardener

Find Your Passion and Purpose \\u2013 to change and adapt can be difficult if you don\\u2019t know what you should do. Life is short and finite. Do what brings you fulfillment. This concept of passion and purpose is one I\\u2019m still figuring out, so I\\u2019m no Dalai Lama here. I think that exploring what you are passionate about and finding your purpose to use that passion in your life and others\\u2019 is an area in your life where growth is important. For more information on this subject, check out Jim Kwik\\u2019s interview