PLP-067 Admitting My Mistakes And Thoughts On The Current Real Estate Market

Published: April 22, 2019, 3 a.m.

When you are in the spirit of full disclosure, you release everything without any limits or boundaries. Today, I am in the perfect shape to let everything out in the open, and a lot will relate to the topic of financial instability. As I own up and admit that I've gotten myself a little behind the eight ball, financially speaking, we will dive into the flipside of credit and why you don’t need to put yourself in that constant worry. On the other side, we review the current real estate market and another podcast you need to check out ASAP.

Listen to the podcast here:

Admitting My Mistakes And Thoughts On The Current Real Estate Market
How I Became Complacent With Personal Finances Again
I've got to own up and admit that I've gotten myself a little behind the eight-ball, financially speaking. I tend to do this every few years. Now, I have to go into defense mode and clean things up and get back right again. I'm trying to prevent this from happening again, but I decided to bring it up to share it with you. It’s a little bit of free therapy for me to work through it, but also to put it out there and see if you are guilty of the same thing. Write to me and let me know how you deal with it and what you did to try to prevent these things. The other thing I would like to talk about is because of my situation, I attended a relatively inexpensive marketing seminar in Dallas, which helped turn a switch in my head. It was very transformational in terms of thinking about how marketing and business and etc. It’s very worthwhile. What’s even made it cool was during one of the breaks, there was this real high-end estate agent, you can tell the high-end realtors.
How I Got Myself In A Bad Pickle
Sure enough, that was her niche, it was high-end in Houston, which is like a bungalow in California, price-wise. She and I had a good conversation where we give our opinions on where we thought the market was from a retail side and an investment side. It looks like we might have the April showers, it may bring some glorious May flowers. We'll see if this market is back on the mend and in bull territory. Before I get on my soapbox and talk about my lack of financial stability. I'm grateful that you're reading this blog. I do appreciate it. I need to get into the heart of the matter. I'm going to start off by, “What happened? How did I get myself in this pickle, to where I had to go into one of the contingency accounts?” I will answer that quite simply. I committed some very old and rookie mistakes, cardinal sins that I knew better, but these things happen. I counted my chickens before they hatched. I had a few pretty sizable deals that I was trying to put together, some real estate deals and two of them fell apart. It didn't happen.

That's part of the game. That occurs, but I thought I could rebound a little bit quicker. I counted on the money I didn't have in that case. I did it again where I have negotiated some changes in my employment and income. Those plans have had to go on hold for a little while. While I thought January would be a much greener month financially, some of those things have gone on hold and it's going to be a few more months. I can't talk too much more about that, other than I made the mistake of counting some chickens before those eggs hatched. Here's the one that I loved the most. I had done my planning assuming positive cashflow and profitability. Not so much profitability, but near profitability for the podcast. I'm not quite there yet, but I added some more expenses so I could buy some time.

I could get some time back for the kids and whatnot. Let's say that what started as perseverance became stubbornness. I ended up sticking my head in the sand. I didn't want to admit that I was wrong. I could do it to myself, but I didn't want to the wife or anybody else. I figured,