PLP-033 How to become a millionaire

Published: Aug. 13, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

How to become a millionaire?  Plant Seeds

Sometimes the simplest of ideas can inspire massive change within an individual.

I purchased a CD of this speech a few years ago through SUCCESS magazine, I believe.  I placed it a drawer and forgot about it for a year or two.  After I listened, I knew that something was different - something had changed.

I'm not a fan of Rah Rah artists and mentors who provide tons of positive encouragement but really don't provide actionable tactics and advice, thus my initial skepticism of Shoaff's method seemed justified:  it seemed as though it were too simple, too easy, and not nearly complicated enough.

But Shoaff provides a road map and the small number of  steps one must do to plant their seeds - to achieve their goals.   I like to listen to this speech every so often and replant some seeds.

You can find versions of this and several videos of J. Earl Shoaff on YouTube


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