November 28th, 2022. China in Revolt. How Serious Will These Demonstrations Become?

Published: Nov. 28, 2022, 11 a.m.

b"It\\u2019s November 28th. You\\u2019re listening to the President\\u2019s Daily Brief. Your morning intel starts now.\\n------\\nA good day to you, ladies and gentlemen. I\\u2019ve got five briefs for you this morning that are shaping America \\u2014 and the world.\\n\\nFirst, some incredible images coming out of China. Protests all around that communist country, and all because of a fire. I\\u2019ll explain.\\n\\nSecond, Dr. Tony Fauci and the Biden Administration have some COVID advice for China. No more lockdowns, they say, but lots more shots. We\\u2019ll talk about why that is quite something to hear those folks say.\\n\\nThird, there\\u2019s fighting in Ukraine this morning, but not with the Russians. Ukraine\\u2019s leaders are fighting each other.\\xa0\\n\\nFourth, over 1,000 shipments of solar panels and parts are sitting in America\\u2019s ports. I\\u2019ll explain why none of it is getting installed.\\n\\nFinally, we have some preliminary data on Black Friday sales \\u2014 and the health of the US economy. Some good news and bad to report.\\xa0\\n------\\nPlease remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of the President's Daily Brief.\\nEmail:\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"