May 31st, 2022. China Moves Closer to Hawaii. Update on Wheat Shortage.

Published: May 31, 2022, 10 a.m.

b"It\\u2019s May 31st. You\\u2019re listening to the President\\u2019s Daily Brief. I\\u2019m your host and former CIA Officer Bryan Dean Wright. Your morning intel starts now.\\n\\nFirst up, China is very busy in the South Pacific today, turning another island nation effectively into one of its bases. And that means the Communists are one step closer to Hawaii. I\\u2019ll update you on the latest.\\n\\nAs always, I\\u2019m keeping an eye out for developing stories. Put these two on your radar.\\nFirst, PDB listeners know that the world needs Ukraine\\u2019s wheat, wheat that\\u2019s being held captive by Russia. I\\u2019ve got an update on how Moscow might agree to let some of it through.\\n\\nSecond, there\\u2019s lots of global debate about renewable energy. I have a surprising twist on the conversation, and it has to do with solar energy and sheep, of all things. We\\u2019ll talk about that.\\n\\nAll up next on the President\\u2019s Daily Brief.\\n------\\nPlease remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of the President's Daily Brief.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"