July 29th, 2022. The Senate Introduces Another Bill Aimed at Addressing Climate Change. Biden Tells Pelosi Not To Visit Taiwan...

Published: July 29, 2022, 10 a.m.

b"It\\u2019s July 29th. You\\u2019re listening to the President\\u2019s Daily Brief. Your morning intel starts now.\\n------\\nFirst up, The US Senate announced a big bill yesterday to address climate change. One of the reasons to pass it, supporters are saying, is that it gives America the moral authority to demand other nations to follow our lead. We\\u2019ll discuss whether that is convincing.\\xa0\\n\\nAs always, I\\u2019m keeping an eye out for developing stories. Put these two on your radar.\\nFirst, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is flying to Asia today. Will she stop in Taiwan? Joe Biden\\u2019s telling her not to. I\\u2019ll explain why.\\n\\nSecond, we have some new numbers out on who\\u2019s trying to cross our southern border. It\\u2019s a wave of Cubans. We\\u2019ll talk about why.\\n\\nAnd finally, the last thing before I let you go. Questions from listeners. Five today. Mostly lighthearted, a couple serious. It\\u2019s a good mix.\\xa0\\n\\nAll up next on the President's Daily Brief.\\n------\\nPlease remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of the President's Daily Brief.\\nEmail: PDB@TheFirstTV.com\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"