February 16th, 2023. The Skies Over the U.S. Are Filled with... Mexican Cartel Drones?

Published: Feb. 16, 2023, 11 a.m.

b"It\\u2019s February 16th. You\\u2019re listening to the President\\u2019s Daily Brief. Your morning intel starts now.\\n------\\nA good day to you, ladies and gentlemen. I\\u2019ve got five briefs for you this morning that are shaping America \\u2014 and the world.\\n\\nFirst, there\\u2019s been a lot of talk about balloons lately but we should really talk about drones. Specifically the ones being flown over America by Mexican cartels. That\\u2019s coming up.\\n\\nThen, for our second and third briefs, I\\u2019ve got two updates on the stuff that powers your life and our country: and that is, energy. Turns out your car is going to have lots of options for years to come on how to fill up with either oil or that Dirty Green stuff.\\n\\nFourth, an update out of Japan that impacts the alliances that America is trying to build as a part of our fight with China.\\n\\nFinally, we\\u2019re heading back to Central Africa this morning, where three countries are talking about a new partnership that could impact our ability to make aluminum, of all things.\\n\\nLater, we close out the podcast with an observation of mine about affirmative action. I\\u2019ve got a new poll for you to consider, published just months before the Supreme Court announces whether it\\u2019s lawful to consider race and ethnicity when accepting kids into America\\u2019s universities and colleges.\\xa0\\n\\n-----\\nPlease remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of the President's Daily Brief.\\nEmail: PDB@TheFirstTV.com\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"