Women are Furious: A Conversation with the new President of Emilys List Jessica Mackler

Published: May 21, 2024, 7 a.m.

b'Fixing the crisis America is in is hard, but it\\u2019s also simple. We can\\u2019t stop talking about reproductive rights because it\\u2019s not just about stripping women of the right to manage their own lives and bodies, it\\u2019s about the slippery slope we find ourselves on if we accept that government can just take our essential human rights. At the end of the day, it\\u2019s not just about abortion, it\\u2019s about precedent. If they can take this freedom, what\\u2019s next? Emily\\u2019s List is out here fighting back, which is why I\\u2019m pleased to speak to known strategist and fighter Jessica Mackler. Emily\\u2019s List isn\\u2019t just about winning elections at every level, but to supporting those winners once they\\u2019re in office.Government is simply better when all voices are at the table. It took almost 50 years for them to strip us of our rights. If we vote correctly, we can get them back in two.\\xa0\\n\\nAs always, if you find worth in what we do, please consider SUBSCRIBING to PoliticsGirl Premium. You\\u2019ll get this podcast ad free, along with a bunch of other perks, like the rants directly to your inbox and the knowledge that you\\u2019re making this kind of highly researched, factual information possible.\\xa0\\nIf that interests you, please go to https://www.politicsgirl.com/premium and subscribe today!!\\nThank you so much! xoPG\\nGuest social:\\n\\nhttps://emilyslist.org\\nTwitter: @emilyslist\\n\\nAs always, please RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll show links here!: https://linktr.ee/politicsgirl\\n\\nThis episode is sponsored by\\u2026\\nhttps://oneskin.co code: politicsgirl\\nhttps://sundaysfordogs.com/politicsgirl code: PoliticsGirl'