UnJust Justice: A Conversation about SCOTUS with Dahlia Lithwick

Published: Aug. 22, 2023, 7 a.m.

b'Despite how frustrated we might be with the ethics, decisions, and arrogance of this far right activist court, guest Dahlia Lithwick believes we\\u2019re actually at an amazing moment in American history where we have the opportunity to really address the court with our politics. If we\\u2019re not happy, then we insist on change. Supreme Court justices are not imperial. Corrupt people make corrupt rulings, and most of the county can agree we hate corruption. According to Dahlia, true institutional change is not only possible, it\\u2019s shockingly doable, but it won\\u2019t happen unless we make the court a first tier issue.\\nAs always, if you enjoy what we do, please consider SUBSCRIBING to PoliticsGirl Premium. You\\u2019ll get this podcast ad free, along with a bunch of other perks, and the knowledge that you\\u2019re allowing us to keep bringing you the best content possible. That\\u2019s https://www.politicsgirl.com/premium\\xa0\\nThank you for caring! xoPG\\n\\nMERCH STORE NOW OPEN: Check it out at: https://www.politicsgirl.com/store\\n\\nGuest social:\\nTwitter: @Dahlialithwick\\nSlate: https://slate.com/author/dahlia-lithwick\\nLady Justice: https://www.amazon.com/Lady-Justice-Women-Battle-America/dp/0525561382\\n\\nAs always, please RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll show links here!: https://linktr.ee/politicsgirl\\n\\nhttps://www.moshlife.com/politicsgirl\\nhttps://www.trymiracle.com/politicsgirl Code: PoliticsGirl\\nhttps://www.reelpaper.com/politicsgirl Code: PoliticsGirl\\nhttps://www.rocketmoney.com/politicsgirl'