Union Strong! PG:CC with Mike Monroe

Published: Aug. 30, 2022, 7 a.m.

b'Today\\u2019s podcast\\xa0is a candid conversation with\\xa0Mike Monroe,\\xa0the Chief of Staff to North America\\u2019s Building Trades Unions, a labor organization representing more than 3 million construction workers, composed of 14 national and international unions.\\xa0Prior to joining NABTU, Mike\\xa0served as the Political Director for Labor on Hillary Clinton\\u2019s 2008 Presidential Campaign,\\xa0and\\xa0is a passionate and successful advocate for the Labor Movement in America. The pandemic really opened our eyes to the essential nature of the workers of America, and how great the divide is between\\xa0those who own the corporations and those who work for them. However, with\\xa0the combined efforts of unions to represent the people, and a government\\xa0that\\xa0respects and supports the importance of unions, we can truly begin to reverse the\\xa0ever widening gap between the\\xa0\\u201chaves\\u201d\\xa0and the\\xa0\\u201chave nots\\u201d\\xa0in this country. America doesn\\u2019t need to be like this. We must grow our middle class again, and to do that we need to look to the power of organized labor and the resurgence of the respect for the American worker.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nGuest social:\\nhttps://nabtu.org\\nTwitter: @NABTU\\n\\xa0\\nPlease RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll\\xa0show\\xa0links here!:\\xa0https://linktr.ee/politicsgirl\\n\\xa0\\nDon\\u2019t forget to send questions via email, video or audio for the ASK PG Episode to:\\xa0ask@politicsgirl.com\\n\\xa0\\nThank you to today\\u2019s sponsor!\\nwww.athleticgreens.com/politicsgirl'