The right place, at the right time, doing the right thing: a conversation with Laphonza Butler

Published: May 2, 2023, 7 a.m.

b'Every day we hear about a new lawsuit, a new tragedy, a new pregnancy horror story. The unnecessary pain and suffering brought about by this onslaught of backward, archaic laws forced upon us by Republican lawmakers who believe they know better than doctors, scientists and the pregnant people themselves. After having a fundamental human right stripped from us with the reversal of Roe, women, and their allies around the country, have mobilized with the understanding that our basic human freedoms are at stake. This isn\\u2019t just about bodily autonomy, or the lives of pregnant people, it\\u2019s about human rights. Join me and Laphonza Butler, the President of Emily\\u2019s List, the powerful and influential political action committee dedicated to electing pro-choice women into office as we discuss where we are in America and how their mission has never been more essential to the future of our democracy.\\xa0\\n\\nGuest social:\\nEmily\\u2019s List:\\nTwitter: @emilyslist\\nTwitter: @LaphonzaB\\nInsta: emilys_list\\nLinktree:\\n\\nPlease RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll PG show links here!:\\n\\nDon\\u2019t forget to send questions via email, video or audio for the ASK PG Episode to:\\n\\xa0\\nThank you to today\\u2019s sponsor!\\'