Stop The Bad Laws!: A Conversation with Melissa Walker from The States Project

Published: April 25, 2023, 7 a.m.

b'You only have to look around the country right now to see the power state legislatures have over almost every part of our lives. While the 10th Amendment is a check on the power of the federal government, it gives state leadership an almost infinite amount of power, and in the wrong hands, this unchecked influence has been an absolute disaster for human rights, civil rights and democracy. For 40 years, while Republicans invested billions of dollars and focused energy into building and holding state governing majorities Democrats focused the majority of their attention and money on national races and, while it seemed like things were progressing around the country, individual states were actually putting the pieces in place for regressive laws that would take us back. This stops today. You wanna fight back? We do it at the state level and the States Project tells us how.\\xa0\\n\\nGuest social:\\\\n\\nTwitter: @StatesProjectUS\\nFacebook:\\nInstagram: @statesprojectus\\nYouTube:\\n\\nPlease RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll show links here!:\\n\\nThank you to today\\u2019s sponsors!\\ Code: PoliticsGirl\\n'