SCOTUS: A Question of Legitimacy

Published: March 1, 2022, 8 a.m.

b'The current, far right, conservative make up of the Supreme Court clearly has an agenda, and it\\u2019s terrifying for the legitimacy of our rule of law and way of life. So today we\\u2019re going to talk about the Supreme Court, its importance to American society, it\\u2019s capture by the far right and what, if anything, can be done to save it from itself. I want to be clear, this is a completely destructive situation and pretending any of this is business as usual will be America\\u2019s undoing. In fact, ignoring it is how we got in this position in the first place.\\n\\nPlease RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue and inspire better change moving forward!\\n\\nAll my links here!:\\nThank you to today\\u2019s sponsors!\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nThe PoliticsGirl Podcast is a Meidas Touch original podcast produced by Happy Warrior Entertainment.\\xa0\\n\\nSpecial thanks to Holly Shuter & Julia Lee Stander for additional research.\\n\\nThe Hill: Opinion - Supreme Court should look more like America or so the Republicans once thought by Glenn C. Altschuler 02/06/22\\nUSA Today The Supreme Court Shadow Docket: Alabama Redsitricting Case Renews fight amoung justices - John Fritze 02/08/2022\\n\\nDemocracy Docket - by Marc Elias (subscribe on Twitter)\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n'