Rigged: A Conversation with Robert Reich

Published: Dec. 5, 2023, 8 a.m.

b'As Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis said, \\u201cAmerica has a choice. We can either have great wealth in the hands of a few, or we can have democracy, but we can\\u2019t have both.\\u201d There\\u2019s a shift happening in the American consciousness right now. Where the idea we all bought into, that idea that if we just work hard enough we\\u2019ll make it, is starting to feel like a bit of a scam. This concept of \\u201cpulling yourself up by your bootstraps\\u201d is beginning to look like a cruel joke and the conceit that the struggles so many Americans face just to make ends meet is somehow a result of our own actions or shortcomings, rather than acknowledging we\\u2019re actually living in an oppressive system rigged against us is really starting to chafe. Join me and the illustrious Robert Reich as we discuss the economy, the American dream, and what we, the American public, can do to make it.\\nAs always, if you enjoy what we do, please consider SUBSCRIBING to PoliticsGirl Premium. You\\u2019ll get this podcast ad free, along with a bunch of other perks, including the knowledge that you\\u2019re allowing us to keep bringing you the best content possible. If that interests you, please go to https://www.politicsgirl.com/premium and subscribe today!!\\nThanks so much! xoPG\\n\\nGuest social:\\xa0\\nhttps://robertreich.org/\\nSubstack: http://robertreich.substack.com\\n\\nInequality Media LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/inequalitymedia\\n\\nTwitter: \\t@RBReich\\n\\t\\t@InequalityMedia\\n\\nMERCH STORE NOW OPEN: Check it out at: https://www.politicsgirl.com/store\\n\\nAs always, please RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll show links here!: https://linktr.ee/politicsgirl\\n\\nThis episode is sponsored by\\u2026\\nhttp://aeropress.com/politicsgirl\\nhttps://trymiracle.com/politicsgirl Code: PoliticsGirl\\nhttp://reelpaper.com/politicsgirl Code: PoliticsGirl\\nhttp://rocketmoney.com/politicsgirl\\xa0\\nhttp://honeylove.com/politicsgirl'