It Doesnt Have To Be Like This: A Conversation with Greg Jackson from the White House Office of Gun Prevention

Published: March 12, 2024, 7 a.m.

b'Sometimes we need to take a break from all the criticism of government to acknowledge the importance of government, especially when they\\u2019re doing good things. One of those good things was the recent creation of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention because as we lose people to gun violence in our country every day, as America is put on \\u201cno travel\\u201d lists because of our gun epidemic, as we witness our suicide rates and accidental deaths by firearms grow exponentially, we clearly can\\u2019t continue to do nothing and the Biden Administration has said \\u201cThoughts and prayers are not enough".\\xa0\\n\\nAs always, if you find worth in what we do, please consider SUBSCRIBING to PoliticsGirl Premium. You\\u2019ll get this podcast ad free, along with a bunch of other perks, like the rants directly to your inbox and the knowledge that you\\u2019re making this kind of highly researched, factual information possible.\\xa0\\nIf that interests you, please go to and subscribe today!!\\nThank you so much! xoPG\\n\\nGUEST SOCIALS:\\n\\nTwitter: @WHOGVP46\\nInsta: whitehouseogvp46\\n\\nAs always, please RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll show links here!:\\n\\nThis episode is sponsored by\\u2026\\n\\n\\n'