Independence Day 2022 - First Episode Redux

Published: July 5, 2022, 7 a.m.

b'This 4th of July I thought we\\u2019d revisit why were are doing this podcast in the first place. What\\u2019s at stake and what why we need to care about this country and the direction it\\u2019s heading. It doesn\\u2019t matter if you feel like you\\u2019re too busy to care about politics. It doesn\\u2019t matter if you don\\u2019t think it matters, or if you think it\\u2019ll all just be fine. It won\\u2019t. It won\\u2019t all just be fine. The country is in deep trouble. And only by paying attention can we hope to solve it. We are standing on the tracks and the train is coming at us full speed. Our democracy, our freedom, everything we hold dear as Americans is in mortal peril. We save ourselves, or we perish. The choice is ours.\\n\\xa0\\nPlease RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll my links here!:\\n\\xa0\\nThe PoliticsGirl Podcast is a Meidas Touch original podcast produced by Happy Warrior Entertainment.'