How Did Conservatism Become So Toxic? A PG:CC with Dara Starr Tucker

Published: July 11, 2023, 7 a.m.

b'The Republican Party of today has taken a turn, a turn from traditional \\u201cconservative\\u201d values into something far more odious and, as our guest, Dara Starr Tucker, would say, far more toxic. As a popular influencer in social commentary Dara is launching a new project to explore this rise of toxicity. Where it comes from, what it\\u2019s based in, and hopefully, if we can better understand it, how we can beat it. With mainstream media more and more beholden to their corporate owners, and the story those owners want to tell, those of us who want the truth are increasingly dependent on independent voices to keep us in the know. Dara Starr Tucker is one of those voices I really believe is worth listening to.\\xa0\\n\\nDON\\u2019T FORGET that you can now SUBSCRIBE to PoliticsGirl Premium to get this podcast ad free and support us as we continue to bring you the best content possible. If you enjoy what we do, please consider helping us grow by going to Help us help America! xoPG\\n\\nGuest social:\\n\\n\\nTikTok: darastarrtucker\\nFacebook: Dara Starr Tucker\\nInsta: daratuckerb\\n\\nAs always, please RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll show links here!:\\n\\xa0\\nThank you to today\\u2019s sponsors!\\\\\\ code: PoliticsGirl'