Candidate Conversations with Lt. Col. Brian Bengs, Democratic candidate for Senator for South Dakota

Published: Oct. 14, 2022, 7 a.m.

b'Today\\u2019s our first extra pod leading up to the midterms and I\\u2019m thrilled to have it be with Senatorial candidate for South Dakota Brian Bengs. And you might think, a Democrat in South Dakota? Whaaaat? But, yes, we have to stop\\xa0ceding rural territories and states to Republicans.\\xa0The heartland used to be a stronghold for the Democrats, but there\\u2019s been a\\xa0growing, and perhaps self fulfilling,\\xa0belief\\xa0that the Democratic Party can\\u2019t compete in rural America, and that\\u2019s just not true. South Dakota might be a red state, but Brian, JAG lawyer,\\xa0professor and\\xa0career veteran of both the US Navy & the Air Force\\xa0is truly resonating with the people of his state.\\xa0Polling and surveys\\xa0shows that when voters are presented with head to head profiles\\xa0between Bengs & current Senator John Thune,\\xa0Bengs\\xa0wins every time. We just need\\xa0to give him the support to make sure people see him as a real contender.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nGuest social:\\n\\nTwitter:\\xa0@BrianBengs\\n\\xa0\\nPlease RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll\\xa0show\\xa0links here!:\\xa0'