1/6 Committee: What Comes Next? PG:CC with Congressman Jamie Raskin

Published: Oct. 25, 2022, 7 a.m.

b'Today\\u2019s podcast\\xa0is a candid conversation with\\xa0Congressman Jamie Raskin,Democratic member of the House Select committee on the January 6th attack on the\\xa0US\\xa0Capitol, which recently resumed with its 9th, and possibly last, public hearing. Now that we know that a sitting president and his enablers engaged in a multi-strategy, calculated attempt to stay in power against the will of the people,\\xa0and that this bid at a self coup was supported by people from the lowest of the low, like white\\xa0supremest\\xa0militant groups, to the very highest levels of society, including government officials and law enforcement, what do we do? What do we do with the people who still believe the purposeful lie that the election was stolen, or worse, the Republican representatives who could win massive power and usurp democracy running on that lie? What do we do with the anger and unrest that allowed Trump to turn American citizens into a mob\\xa0who\\xa0attacked their own Capitol, and what do we do with the simmering fury that\\xa0still\\xa0prevails in a society filled with lies and propaganda?\\n\\xa0\\nGuest social:\\nhttps://raskin.house.gov/about\\n\\xa0\\nTwitter:@RepRaskin\\nTwitter:@January6thCmte\\nTwitter:\\xa0@PPact\\nInsta: repraskin\\nFacebook:\\xa0https://www.facebook.com/RepRaskin/\\n\\xa0\\nPlease RATE and SUBSCRIBE so we can grow the show, open the dialogue, and inspire change moving forward!\\n\\xa0\\nAll\\xa0show\\xa0links here!:\\xa0https://linktr.ee/politicsgirl\\n\\xa0\\nThank you to today\\u2019s sponsors!\\nwww.framebridge.com\\xa0Promo Code: PoliticsGirl'