Option Block 259: Reverse Splits & Twinkies

Published: July 16, 2013, 6:17 p.m.



Option Block 259: Reverse Splits & Twinkies


The all-stars are joined by guest co-host Henry Schwartz, the Founder of Trade Alert.


Trading Block: A modest, broad rally on the street. Earnings season is in full swing. Pre-deal call in LEAP from Friday. Earnings action in Goldman-Sachs. CITI earnings before the open. Bloomberg beating the drum on VIX puts. Retail sales sluggish, up less than expected in June.


Odd Block: Combos trade in United Online, Inc. (UNTD)


Xpress Block: The Twinkie is back. A slow day as everyone is keeping their powder dry for the big earnings later this week.


Around the Block: Earnings: IBM, Intel and Bank of America - 7/17; Microsoft, Nokia, Google and Chipotle - 7/18.
