Option Block 208: Options Fuel the Exchange War

Published: Dec. 21, 2012, 6:39 p.m.



Option Block 208: Options Fuel the Exchange War


Trading Block: News is circulating of a potentially sizable acquisition/merger of ICE and NYSE Euronext, which includes ARCA and AMEX. The market was fractionally up on the day. Jan vol futures are still trading below cash. RIMM closed to the upside.


Odd Block: A pickup of bullish paper in the XLF, a three-legged trade in the iShares Dow Jones Transportation Index (IYT).


Xpress Block:\\xa0 What\'s new at the Idea Hub? Plus, a question from Max S: When I put on a spread in Xtend, it displays the positions in my position list, but when I go to close a position, I can only one-click close the spread one leg at a time. Is there a way to one-click close a multi-leg spread through Xtend or through the website?


Around the Block: Positioning for a potential dive off the fiscal cliff. Happy holidays from The Options Insider.
