Option Block 196: Election Edition

Published: Nov. 8, 2012, 1:31 a.m.


Option Block 196: Election Edition

Trading Block: The market took off once early polling results came in, a broad-based rally across most of the market. Vol came in after being out most of the morning.

Odd Block: 30,000 contracts trade on the VIX Nov16 put.

Xpress Block: John Grigus gets the OX hot seat today to discuss VIX, recent highs in volume and the ex dividend date for Apple.

Mail Bag: Via email from Sigmund Fraud:
I have a 401k that\'s invested in the S&P. What\'s the best way to hedge it [outside of the 401k] from downside risk? Would beta-weighting with SDS be a good hedge or is there a better way? Also, I\'ve heard the terms "hitting offers, lifting bids" (I hope I got that right), what does that mean?

Strategy Block: Andrew discusses back spreading the VIX and how it is the cleanest way to play a change in implied volatility in the indexes.

Around the Block: All eyes will be focused on the U.S. Presidential election.
