Option Block 153: Facebook Faceplant

Published: May 23, 2012, 5 a.m.



Option Block 153: Facebook Faceplant

Trading Block: The market had no real direction. The Euro got crushed and bonds had the only give back of the day. Sebastian looks at the correlation between TLT and VIX. Commodities rundown featuring gold, crude oil and natural gas.

Xpress Block: Going over the tumultuous week/weekend of Facebook. What was the environment like over at OX? The financial media had a field day with the Facebook IPO. Going over the valuation of Facebook and the upcoming options on the 29th.

Around the Block: Breaking news: On May 31st, the CBOE will extend the listings of their PM settled, SPX end of week options to include the following expirations: June 8th, June 22nd and July 6th. Keeping an eye on the crude inventories report. A long three-day weekend coming up.