Option Block 143: Apple Apocalypse

Published: April 17, 2012, 6 p.m.


Option Block 143: Apple Apocalypse

Trading Block: S&P rally vs. NASDAQ (Apple) apocalypse. AAPL sold out aggressively, down about 4%. Tosaw suggested last week the many buyers were lurking around $600. Priceline, Google and Apple were all down on the day. Andrew has a theory on why. Ten-year note rebound.

Odd Block: An Apple overview, and unusual activity in Arvin Meritor INC. (MTOR).

Xpress Block: John Grigus sits down in the OX hot seat and discusses earnings, Citi and OX\'s parent company, Charles Schwab. Other activity in Starbucks, Amazon and Chipotle.

Mail Block: Capitol requirement for trading AAPL?
Email questions from: Jack Tronty, Worcester, MA \\u201cApproximately how much capitol do you recommend in your trading account to trade Apple options effectively? You can obviously trade one-lots with a small account, but that isn\'t really worth anyone\'s time. If I want to trade 10-up (straddles, verticals, iron condors/flies, etc.) and perhaps delta hedge my positions, how much of a commitment am I really looking at?

Around the Block: Keeping an eye on Spain. Huge earnings week ahead: APPL, CMG, BAC, INTC, AMD, NOK all this week.