We Won. And I Feel Like Shit

Published: Nov. 4, 2020, 8:02 p.m.

b'James Carville, like the rest of us, is having some mixed emotions at the moment. After getting all kinds of polling data saying the Democrats were clean up, the truth is \\u2026 well, kind of the opposite happened. The gap between expectations and reality was so big, even Joe Biden apparently being on the precipice of taking the White House seems just a little unsatisfying. \\u201cLook, this is the biggest election in my lifetime, before my lifetime. And I wake up in the morning, we won the popular vote and we\'re going to win the electoral college. And I feel like fucking shit,\\u201d Carville tells Molly Jong-Fast and Rick Wilson on the post-election edition of The New Abnormal. \\u201cYes, we will have competent cabinet secretaries. And yes, we will have competent ambassadors. And the trains will run on time. And that\'s about it, right? That\'s something. That\'s a lot more than we\'ve got now. But it\'s not anything close to what we all were hopeful for.\\u201d Buck up, Rick tells Carville (and the rest of us). \\u201cDonald Trump is about to ride into the sunset\\u2014and by sunset, I mean prison\\u2014in the immediate future. People need to be of good cheer. This is a stunning victory,\\u201d Rick says, anticipating that the absentee votes in places like Pennsylvania and Michigan will break Biden\\u2019s way. \\u201cIt says something about our political pessimism in the era of Trump that everyone\'s depressed about this outcome. Get the fuck outta here. We just beat Donald fucking Trump.\\u201d Maybe so, Molly replies. But she\\u2019s still pissed\\u2014like, beyond pissed\\u2014at the pollsters who gave so many false hope. \\u201cFuck those fuckers,\\u201d she says, before a whole bunch of stuff we had to bleep out.

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