Tammy Duckworth: Trying to Teach Kids During COVID Is FUBAR

Published: July 31, 2020, 8 a.m.


Sen. Tammy Duckworth may be on Biden\\u2019s VP shortlist. But when it comes to childcare during the pandemic, she\\u2019s just as confused as the rest of us. \\u201cSo my choice is five hours of homeschooling every day for my daughter and failing her, because I\'m not a trained educator, or sending her to a school where she could very likely get this virus or bring it home and get her two year old sister sick or my 79 year old mom, who lives with us,\\u201d Duckworth tells Molly Jong-Fast and Rick Wilson on the latest episode of The New Abnormal. \\u201cThat\'s the problem: impossible choices.\\u201d Duckworth also opens up about just how hostile the Senate was to working moms until a hot second ago. One particularly ridiculous question stands out. \\u201cThey want to know if you\'re gonna breastfeed on the floor. [And I said,] \\u2018I\\u2019m not exactly planning on whipping one out in front of them. But if the baby is hungry, I\'ll feed her.\\u2019\\u201d Then! Princeton\\u2019s Sam Wang talks about the out-of-the-way campaigns that could make a huge difference for decades to come. Plus! A Trump ambassador goes to a Nazi cemetary\\u2014and gets all wistful. A Republican candidate swears \\u201ccelebrities and Democrats catch COVID and magically heal.\\u201d The Stephen Hawking of the U.S. House of Representatives displays his genius\\u2014at infecting everyone around him. Finally! Rick asks the big questions: Who\\u2019s more popular, Zombie Bin Laden or Ron DeSantis? Was Tulsa Trump\\u2019s Jonestown? And does Chuck Schumer realize that \\u201che\'s got Mitch McConnell\'s balls in a bag for once?\\u201d 

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