Sep. 6 Member Bonus: Lev Parnas: Trumps Cronies Made Fun of Him Behind His Back

Published: Oct. 15, 2020, 5:49 p.m.

This members-only episode was originally published on September 6, 2020 and moved to this feed for full member access.

Lev Parnas has been a major character in the ongoing Trumpworld corruption saga and was even arrested for his role in it all. These days, he is choosing to spill the tea. The former ally of Trump lawyer Rudy Guiliani joined this bonus members-only episode of The New Abnormal to come clean about his complicity in the Trump \u201ccult,\u201d how he started to \u201cdrink the Kool-Aid\u201d (\u201cI was approached by a couple of gentlemen in Florida to hold a fundraiser for [Trump]\u201d) and what he knows about Ukraine. \u201cRudy is very key. He has the president's ear,\u201d Parnas says. \u201cThat's the most important part.\u201d He says Rudy was the person who approached him and \u201cbasically started asking us some questions about Ukraine and Igor [Fruman.]\u201d But despite the circle of shady players that continues to revolve around Trump, they all talk behind his back. The subject varies depending on the new cycle. \u201cWe would talk about his bad decision making, the stubbornness. Like I remember with Charlottesville, for instance, when he came out and said there were people on both sides. I thought half the RNC was going to fall off their head,\u201d he said. \u201cIt was not off limits to anybody as long as [Trump] wasn't around or [Donald Trump] Jr. wasn't around,\u201d says Parnas. \u201cI mean, he was laughed at. It was funny to watch how nobody had the strength to go up against him\u201d Plus! Parnas also name drops the people still caught in Trump\u2019s inner circle and who is in his ear (besides Rudy\u2014\u201cIt's not only Sean Hannity.\u201d) and why he literally thanks God he got out of it.

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