Mitch McConnell Proved Hes Even More Craven Than Ted Cruz

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 5 a.m.


That impeachment vote in the Senate was tough to swallow, with 43 Republicans voting to acquit Trump for the insurrection done in his name, by people waving his flag. Even more gag-worthy was Sen. Mitch McConnell\\u2019s speech afterwards\\u2014blaming Trump for the wannabe coup minutes after voting to let him off.

\\u201cThe most galling statements for me were the ones from the Mitch McConnells and the Rob Portmans and the Marco Rubios after they voted to acquit Donald Trump, basically saying, \\u2018Well, you know, the whole coup thing was kind of bad and I wish you wouldn\'t have tried to do it. And I wish a cop wouldn\'t have died. And you know, he made some bad choices. But you know, I had no choice,\\u2019\\u201d Bulwark writer-at-large Tim Miller tells Molly Jong-Fast on the latest edition of The New Abnormal. 

But of course, McConnell and his crew did have a choice. The House impeached Trump on January 13. The Senate decided to take a vacation, rather than take up the case right away. And once the vacations were over and Biden was sworn in, they decided against all reason and precedent that an ex-official like Trump somehow couldn\\u2019t be convicted.

\\u201cFor Mitch McConnell to be like, \\u2018I really wanted to do it, but\\u2026\\u2019 Bullshit. The only reason that you didn\'t do it was because of you. It is galling. Give me a hundred [militia-friendly Rep.] Lauren Boberts\\u2014who are too stupid to know that it was bad, or Ted Cruzes\\u2014who are sociopaths\\u2014over Mitch McConnell, trying to try to tell me that he has some feelings about this. Give me a break,\\u201d Tim says.

Also on the show: Rep. Andy Kim tells Molly what it\\u2019s like to be the rare Democrat representing a Trumpy district. Molly gives an update on the Lincoln Project situation. And Tim keeps going in on McConnell.

\\u201cI know that many listeners will think that Mitch McConnell doesn\'t have a soul at all, and that\'s understandable. But he actually does have a flicker of one. He does love the Senate, you know,\\u201d Tim adds. \\u201cAnd he wanted to be able to emote about that in his weird Mitch McConnell way. And that\'s what actually makes it worse\\u2026 Don\'t try to memorialize to me. You had an opportunity to do something you didn\'t. You made the craven move. You sided with the insurrectionists.\\u201d  

Miller says, \\u201cBasically what we saw on Saturday was a Republican party that had an opportunity\\u2014after five years of being craven cowards that rolled over for Donald Trump at every chance\\u2014finally was able to put the stake in his heart and say, \\u2018We don\'t need you anymore. We don\'t tolerate this. And we want to move forward, even it takes a little pain.\\u2019 And 43 of them said... \\u2018nah.\\u2019\\u201d

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