Look! Trump Didnt Poop Himself! Yay! Good Job, Donald!

Published: Dec. 8, 2020, 5 a.m.


You\\u2019d think they\\u2019d have learned by now, just a few weeks from the end of the Trump presidency. But people are still falling for the same head fakes and tricks. 

Take, Molly Jong-Fast says, Trump\\u2019s recent trip down to Georgia. \\u201cIt was one of those many Trump\'s speeches where you saw on Twitter for the first 15 minutes people were like, \\u2018sometimes Trump can stick to the teleprompter\\u2019; \\u2018teleprompter Trump, bravo for just, like, reading the words.\\u201d 

And then, of course, things went off the rails. Like they always do. 

\\u201cThese people always give him credit for doing things like, \\u2018Oh, look, he didn\'t poop himself! Yay! Good job, Donald!\\u2019 It is endlessly baffling to me that in the last 40-plus days of this goddamn hellish shitshow of an administration, there are still people in the media and the Republican party trying to normalize Donald Trump, trying to say, \\u2018Oh yeah, this is okay. This is cool. It\'s just a little weird. Yeah. He\'s not, not that far off the beaten path.\\u2019 When in fact it is completely cuckoo pants,\\u201d replies Rick Wilson on the latest episode of The New Abnormal.

Rick then gets a little worked up about how Trump is spending his last few days in office doing anything but actually, y\\u2019know, being president. 

To which Molly replies: \\u201cTrump hasn\'t worked this entire time. So it wouldn\'t be odd for him to start now?\\u201d

Plus! The team wrestle over whether the Democrats can ever sell \\u201csocialism.\\u201d Molly airs out Rudy Giuliani for getting the experimental COVID treatments the rest of us can only dream of. Rick reveals which Trump body part \\u201csmells like honeysuckle and rainbows and victory.\\u201d Chris Colbert joins the dynamic duo to talk about the \\u201cSay Their Name\\u201d podcast. And Kathy Griffin stops by to talk about what it\\u2019s like to be blasted by Trumpist cancel culture and accused of cyber terrorism. \\u201cI don\'t know how many terrorist groups are trying to get a 60-year-old, wacky, red-haired, vulgar comedian. So I would not typically think of myself as a terrorist,\\u201d she quips.

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