Did Trump Blow Off Some Sketchy Intel? Or Commit Treason?

Published: June 30, 2020, 8 a.m.


Rick Wilson and Molly Jong-Fast have some thoughts on the matter in the latest episode of The New Abnormal. \\u201cIt\'s not just treason. It\'s historic treason,\\u201d Rick says about the revelation that the Russians offered bounties on U.S. soldiers\\u2014and Trump kissed up to the Kremlin anyway. \\u201cThis is a guy who was already going down into the dustbin of history. And now there\'s going to be a line at his grave where they\'re going to have to throw cat litter down. Because people are gonna piss on it for all time.\\u201d Plus! Democratic Rep. Connor Lamb talks up his favorite Republican. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison gets real about police unions. (\\u201cI\'m reluctant to even call it a police union because a union is an honorable, wonderful institution,\\u201d he says. \\u201cThese institutions are not like that at all. The teacher\'s union does not deliberately harm the kids. Nurses don\'t hurt the patients. UAW doesn\'t break the cars.\\u201d) And Molly dishes on White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany: \\u201cAt least with Sean Spicer, you did feel he possessed a human soul. Whereas with Kaylee, it\'s just this sort of terrifying, blonde sea of obfuscation.\\u201d 

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