Biden-Palin 2020?

Published: July 14, 2020, 8 a.m.


Joe Biden is so far ahead of Trump, James Carville jokes on the latest episode of The New Abnormal, that the former Vice President could win, even with Gov. Youbetcha by his side. The strategy is simple, Carville tells Molly Jong-Fast and Rick Wilson: \\u201cAttack, attack, attack. Attack from the right, attack from the left, attack from the center, attack everywhere. People say, \\u2018Well, you know, you got 89% of Republicans will be for [Trump] no matter what.\\u2019 Yeah. Maybe so. But watch the number of people that identify as Republicans go down. 89% of 34 is a lot different than 89% of 30.\\u201d Then! The Beast\\u2019s Erin Banco describes the Trump administration\\u2019s \\u201cparallel conversations\\u201d on the escalating COVID-19 threat. There\\u2019s the one the professionals are leading, Banco explains, and \\u201cthose tend to be pretty serious and Dr. Birx is not shy about issuing warnings to the nation\'s governors.\\u201d Meanwhile, \\u201cyou have president Trump seemingly either unaware of the conversations that are happening within the taskforce or deliberately twisting the truth.\\u201d Plus! Rick begs to go to Gitmo! Molly ponders how the hell you can close Starbucks and open schools. And our wonder twins ask themselves: Are Trump Steaks actually made of \\u2026 Trump himself?!

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