Armageddon in the Middle East? (David Wolpe)

Published: Oct. 13, 2023, 2 p.m.


Shermer and Wolpe discuss: what happened to Israel\\u2019s vaunted security apparatus, intelligence agency and military readiness? \\u2022 Zionism, Judaism, and Israel \\u2022 Palestine, Palestinians, and the Gaza strip \\u2022 Hamas, Hezbollah, and terrorism \\u2022 U.S. support for Israel \\u2022 Iran, the Iran Deal, and why they support terrorists \\u2022 The Biden Administrations culpability in releasing/sending $16 billion to Iran \\u2022 Shia and Sunni similarities and differences \\u2022 why students & student groups are pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel \\u2022 The rise of anti-Semitism and proximate/ultimate causes \\u2022 The Abraham Accords \\u2022 Two-State Solution.

David Wolpe\\xa0was named\\xa0The Most Influential Rabbi\\xa0in America by\\xa0Newsweek\\xa0and one of the\\xa050 Most Influential Jews in the World\\xa0by\\xa0The Jerusalem Post, and twice named one of the\\xa0500 Most Influential People in Los Angeles by the Los Angeles Business Journal.\\xa0He is the Max Webb Senior Rabbi of Sinai Temple and\\xa0a Visiting Scholar at Harvard.

Rabbi Wolpe has engaged in widely watched public debates with Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, Michael Shermer and many others about religion and its place in the world. He is the author of eight books, including the national bestseller\\xa0Making Loss Matter: Creating Meaning in Difficult Times. His new book is titled\\xa0David, the Divided Heart.


Meet Jared Diamond, Michael Shellenberger, Peter Boghossian, and Michael Shermer at our December event:
