The Michael Berry AM Show 4-22-19

Published: April 22, 2019, 4:07 p.m.

How Easter for Greek Orthodox are a week later; why clocks and calendars differ in Ethopia; Media narrative on the measles neglects illegal immigrants bringing it here; Officer pulls over man with expired plates & license, he learns the man is going to a job interview so he take him there; Calls on that time when an officer went above & beyond the call to help you;

Michael also takes a call from a barber working to improve his speech skills through Toastmasters; more calls on officers going above & beyond the calls; Michael Avenatti is a huge piece of trash as more details of him embezzling money emerge;

Michael explores the media narrative about washing machine going up in price because they blame the tarrifs, the truth about it; more calls on officers going above & beyond the call; plus, Luby’s struggles as reported by the Houston Business Journal