E59: APRIL MADNESS TOURNAMENT - Actors with Nikki Coco

Published: April 4, 2022, 9 a.m.




Yeah, I get it, the name is weird, but if you just click that play button, I\'m happy to explain!


All throughout April, we\'re keeping the bracket theme alive. It\'s what makes March so fun, and we\'re not ready to give it up yet.


If you go all the way back to E30, you\'ll hear the first bracket ep that we did together, all about Disney-Pixar movies. On the back of the Oscars\' episodes, we had to keep the movie theme going, so we chose 16 of the best living actors and actresses, randomized the bracket, and deliberated for a long time. Thank God for editing.  Plus, you\'ll get to hear the MASSIVE list of honorable mentions, which I\'m sure some people would fight for, but the bracket is set, and we\'re ready to find the winner.


While you\'re on your phone, or however the kids listen these days, head over to @thelink_podcast Instagram (of course follow the Twitter too but for this purpose, IG will do), and if you\'re listening the week the pod comes out, you can make your fan votes in the stories! We found our winner...does yours match up?


Plenty more brackets to come, so hit that follow button and stay tuned...




If you\'re into sports, like I am, I have a second podcast/YouTube channel called MikeTheMush Sports. We\'re live on YouTube multiple times per week. I\'d love if you would check that out, subscribe and follow, and give us a look on Twitter & Instagram there too, because more me is always good, right? Plus who doesn\'t want to rant about sports?
