#331 - Garrett Gunderson - Money Expert & Author of “Killing Sacred Cows” Shares The Secrets To Win The Money Game

Published: March 3, 2022, 1 p.m.

Guest Bio:

Garrett Gunderson is the CEO of Wealth Factory and has dedicated his career to debunking the many widely accepted myths and fabrications that undermine the prosperity and joy of millions of hard-working, honest business owners. Gunderson’s company, Wealth Factory, empowers its members to build sustainable wealth through financial efficiency and organization leading to clarity, peace of mind and financial confidence.

Gunderson is also the author of “Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths That Are Destroying Your Prosperity” where he exposes ingrained fallacies and misguided traditions in the world of personal finance.

In addition to his success in finance, Garrett spends time as a successful stand up comedian that incorporates finance into his sets.