The Spy Who Loved Starring Roger Moore

Published: Sept. 26, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

Hello dear listeners! Mathieu, Edgar, and special guest Jason Kim (whom you heard on the Secret Origins episode) are back at it this week with the cinematic Bond and a discussion of 1977’s The Spy Who Loved Me. This is indeed a big one, and keeping the Canadian end up was no easy task, but somehow we managed to get through a plethora of topics, from Roger Moore’s sheer class, Barbara Bach’s multiple assets, the stunning cinematography, and the tricked out Lotus Esprit, among many others. Come to think of it, the timing of this release is rather appropriate. The sun is setting a bit earlier and there’s freshness in the air. It’s time to put Major Amasova’s wisdom into practice: strong mental attitude, plenty of food, and of course shared bodily warmth…and you’re all invited.